The Prow @ 30 Hudson Yards / by William Pickering


2017-2019: (Installation complete, content development underway)


Parallel Development is currently collaborating with ESI Design on a project for Time Warner’s new offices at 30 Hudson Yards. The Prow is an ellipsoidal chandelier that is composed of custom LED circuit boards, spanning a length of 65’. This structure is pushing our limits, testing our patience, and fostering growth as a company – we’re excited to bring it to life. With over 300,000 LEDs going into creating this piece, our team here at Parallel is looking forward to making New York a little brighter & better!



The excitement at our shop is building as we gear up and ready for the production of “The Prow”, taking the steps necessary to get the sculpture out to its forever home at Hudson Yards. As with any custom piece, we have had our fair share of obstacles to overcome; from multiple different PCB iterations, to FPGA chips with sudden lead times of 6 months, to spending hours reworking programs, our team met and overcame the challenges head on.

We’re ready to light up the holidays and welcome the New Year with innovation & spunk!

Check out our electrical engineer, Mohammad Asgari, showing ESI employees a mock-up section below! Share your thoughts, check out our Instagram, and stay tuned for more updates!!!

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